The Langen Feng Wedding.

The Langen Feng Wedding

Saturday, May 28, 2005
Sheraton Moana Surfrider
Waikiki beach, Honolulu, Hawai'i

Engaged, August 21, 2004.

Where to Stay.

The wedding will be at the Sheraton Moana Surfrider. The rate per night is around $185. If you are interested in staying here, please email us soon so that we can negogiate a better deal. For those searching for less expensive options, check out these links: Also, check here for other budget hotel options.

What to Do.
  • Climb Diamond Head. Classic O'ahu tourist spot with a beautiful view of the ocean and Honolulu.
  • North Shore. Non-tourist Hawai'i, complete with large waves and cool surf shops.
  • Shave Ice. Do not leave this island without having tried this refreshing dessert/snack. Odds suggest you are Asian if you enjoy Azuki beans with your shaved ice. Odds suggest you are hauoli if you make fun of people eating the Azuki beans.
  • Manoa Falls. Wonderful hike to beautiful falls in Manoa valley.
  • Koko Head. A large "hill" on the east side of the island near Haunama Bay. Quite a challenge to climb up the old railroad tracks to the top, but quite possibly the most beautiful place on earth.
  • Long's Drugs. Yes, Long's. Stop by and pick up a pair of Locals sandals so your feet can enjoy Hawai'i as well. Also, grab some bottled water as well, since the tropics can quickly induce dehydration.
We will plan events for our guest during the week before the wedding. Stay tuned for details!!

What to Buy.

Nothing. We would be thrilled just by your attendance. However, we are registered at Williams Sonoma, Crate and Barrel, and Pottery Barn.

We would greatly appreciate gifts through the mail. It will make all of our plane flights easier.

Any questions? email us.

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